The Kawaakari Dojo is a branch dojo of the Takamura ha Shindo Yoshin Kai located in Fair Oaks, CA. It’s dojo-cho is Eric Winters, possessing a Chuden Mokuroku. Eric Winters joined the Takamura ha Shindo Yoshin Kai in 2009.
In 2010, Eric Winters started a TSYR Study Group operating out of the Aikido of Berkeley Dojo where he studied Iwama Ryu Aikido under Kayla Feder sensei, a good friend of Tobin Threadgill sensei. In 2013, Eric Winters was awarded a Shindo Kirigami Mokuroku by the Takamura ha Shindo Yoshin Kai Honbu Dojo, transforming the Berkeley TSYR Study Group into the Tanikaze Dojo. In 2015, a career relocation moved Eric Winters to Sacramento, CA where Eric continued his study of Iwama Ryu Aikido under Hua Newens sensei. With Hua sensei's support, the Tanikaze Dojo started operation out of the Aikido Institute of Davis in May, 2016. In 2021, Eric Winters opened his own dojo, the Kawaakari Dojo, located in Fair Oaks, California. Eric Winters is assisted at the Kawaakari Dojo by Terrance Phan, also holding a TSYR Chuden Mokuroku.
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