The Kurobayashi Dojo is a branch dojo of the Takamura Ha Shindo Yoshin Kai, located in Baden Baden/ Bühl, Germany. The dojo-cho is Karl-Heinz Schnurr, possessing a Shoden Kirigami Mokuroku awarded in 2017.
In 2009, Markus Akelbein of the Budozentrum DOKAN, approached the Takamura ha Shindo Yoshin Kai about starting an official TSYR Study Group in their dojo. In 2015, Patrick Peschke Sensei was awarded a Shoden Kirigami Mokuroku. In 2017 Peschke Sensei was appointed dojo-cho of the Kurobayashi Dojo. In 2019, the demands of military service required Patrick Peschke Sensei to step down as dojo-cho, consequently Karl-Heinz Schnurr Sensei ascended to that position. He is today assisted by Thorsten Kunz Sensei who received his Shoden Kirigami Mokuroku in 2019.
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