The Koshin Dojo is a branch dojo of the Takamura Ha Shindo Yoshin Kai, located in Freising, Germany.
In 2010, Friedemann Böhme and a group of students from Germany visited the TSYR Honbu Dojo and attended the annual Shoden Instructors Gassuku. Soon after they founded a TSYR Study Group in Freising, Germany. In February 2014 during an annual seminar in Berlin, Friedemann Böhme was awarded a Shoden Kirigami Mokuroku by TSYR Honbu Dojo, and the Freising TSYR Study Group was redesignated the Koshin Dojo.
In 2015, Sven Gerstendörfer was awarded a Shoden Kirigami Mokuroku and assumed the position of assistant instructor for Friedemann Böhme. In 2019, health issues required Friedemann Böhme step down as chief instructor so Sven Gerstendörfer was asked to fill that role. In 2017, Max Gleixner was awarded a Shoden Kirigami Mokuroku and assists instruction in the dojo. In 2022, Sven Gerstendörfer was awarded a Chuden Mokuroku and stepped into the role of dojo-cho following the official retirement of Friedemann Böhme.
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