The Tankyushin Dojo is a branch dojo of the Takamura ha Shindo Yoshin Kai located just north of the New Jersey border and just east of the Hudson River in Palisades, NY. Its dojo-cho is Fred Little, possessing a Shoden Kirigami Mokuroku. Fred Little joined the Takamura ha Shindo Yoshin Kai in 2009 and was awarded a Shoden Kirigami Mokuroku in 2015.
A longtime student of Nihon gendai and koryu budo, he holds a 3rd Dan in aikido and a Okuden Mokuroku in Tenshin Buko Ryu Heiho. He is assisted at the Tankyushin Dojo by Sasha Corchado. Also recepient of a Shoden Kirigami Mokuroku awarded in 2015, she holds a 4th dan in Atarashii Naginata and an Okuden Mokuroku in Tenshin Buko Ryu Heiho.
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