The Yoshin Wadokan TSYR Dojo is a Takamura ha Shindo Yoshin Ryu branch dojo located in Hamilton, New Zealand. The dojo-cho is Chris McMahon who possesses a Chuden Mokuroku issued by the Takamura ha Shindo Yoshin Kai Hombu Dojo. McMahon Sensei is assisted by Peter Smith Sensei and Dean Suter Sensei, both recepients of Shoden Kirigami Mokuroku in 2019. McMahon Sensei visits the TSYR Honbu Dojo regularly and is the senior instructor in Oceania assisting the other TSYR dojos in New Zealand and Australia.
The Yoshin Wadokan was founded by Sensei Robbie Smith who tragically passed away in May of 2014. Robbie Smith sensei held a Shoden Kirigami Mokuroku in Takamura ha Shindo Yoshin Ryu as well as being a JKF Wadokai 7th Dan and holder of a JKF Wadokai 1st Kyu Instructors license. Robbie Smith established New Zealand Wadokai in 1997. The present location, the Yoshin Wadokan Dojo, was comissioned and named by Dr. Hakoishi Katsumi Sensei, 8th Dan, JKF Wado-Kai, in 2005.
For more information, contact Chris McMahon Sensei at:
Yoshin Wadokan Dojo
360 Dey Street
Hamilton East, Hamilton
New Zealand
Or, for more information, contact: